Christian Frei

Activator - Futuristic - Strategic - Learner - Ideation

Christian is a maestro that activates dreams - and is prepared to disrupt ingrained thinking in organisations and the individuals who lead them, to enable dream-realising, transformational change. 

A former strategic leader at Microsoft, one of the world's most influential companies, Christian has turned his passion and belief in others to unleash the impossible into the business that is 934. 

People perform at their best when they have a purpose, are part of a plan, and see its value, Christian creates the environment, encourages the output and develops the network in which people achieve dramatic results beyond what they believed was possible.

Christian is a highly regarded strategic and change leader, a thought leader, a keynote speaker, a leadership coach and a business strategist. 

He ignites ideas and energises others, empowering organisations and talented individuals to evolve within Industry 4.0. And prepares them for what's coming next…

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